Bern…the capital of Switzerland…small but beautiful….
The capital of Switzerland is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage city with much to offer…Stroll through the quaint old town with its six kilometers of arcades, known as Lauben to the locals. They claim the Bernese take it a little easier than the other Swiss. You be the judge.

Clock Tower
Four minutes before the hour, every hour – the figures of the ornate glockenspiel perform for the spectators below. Hans, the golden figure at the top of the tower, strikes the bell at the full hour. Join a tour to see the inner workings of the clock from the 13th century.

Rose Garden
Enjoy a beautiful view of the Old Town from the Rosengarten. Relax in the garden which features over 250 types of roses. Have a drink or enjoy a meal at the Restaurant Rosengarten located in this truly special place.

Old Town of Bern
The arcades, the Kramgasse, the beautiful fountains and the baroque house facades make the Old Town unique. Discover the Old Town on your own or join one of the public guided tours given by Bern Tourism.

Federal Parliament
The Bundeshaus is Switzerland’s parliament building. The beautiful building with its imposing domes attracts many visitors each year. A special lightshow in winter plays on the façade in the early winter months. From the Federal Terrace behind the main building, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Gurten, which is Bern’s “house mountain”, the Aare, and the Marzili, which is both a Bernese neighborhood and a swimming facility (dating back to 1782). The Bundesplatz or Parliament Square in front of the parliament building, features a “dancing fountain” which is a favorite with young and old alike – especially on hot days. In the winter an ice-rink is set up on the square directly in front of the National Bank. On Saturdays, the square is home to a farmers’ market featuring produce from the region.

Bear Park
The Bärenpark is located in the middle of the city of Bern – just outside the Old Town. The bears Finn, Björk and their daughter Ursina can be observed at close range as they play, climb, eat, and swim.

The Muenster-Bern Cathedral
The Bern Cathedral is a 15th century late Gothic building featuring the highest church tower in Switzerland. Climb the 344 steps to the top for an amazing view of the city.

Einstein House
Visit the apartment at Kramgasse 49 where Einstein lived from 1903 to 1905. The apartment is open to the public and documents Einstein’s important time in Bern.